Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Presentation Planning

Things to think about for the presentation:

- Statement of intent (refer back to this)
- My aims for final major project (what are they, what do I want out of them)
- Chapters for Design Context Publication (how will I split up my interest of packaging, type, brand and identity plus can these all work together)
- Work I would like to create
- Designers and studios I like - Who would I like to work for
- Places I want to contact/visit and why
- What information do I want to find out from contacting/visiting studios
- What do I want learn myself and inform people about in my context publication

(must be 10 slides)

Monday, 30 January 2012

Chapter Ideas

Some initial ideas of how I could divide my context publication into chapter

I could divide my book into chapters based on the type of packaging for example:
- Food and Drink
- Clothing/Fashion

Or maybe by the type of material used eg:
- Paper/Card
- Plastic
- Glass

However I don't really want the book to be just about packaging as i'm also interested in other areas of design for print including branding and identity.

Layout Ideas