Tuesday 22 May 2012

Hessian Bags

I ordered some black hessian bags for the range which would be sold as the 'bags for life' to carry shopping in. Again to get more use out of my patterns I thought they would look really good printed onto the bags and rather than having a bag featuring supermarket logos like most, these would just be patterned and therefore people would want to buy and use them for many other purposes than just carrying shopping home.

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However slight dilema that they have arrived a lot smaller than I was expecting. I still want to use them as I think they look really cute and could maybe be a kind of gift bag and contain the spices as this would be good to use as presents. Or the other option is I can propose they are the larger sized bags and maybe take/edit my photos in such a way they look the right kind of size.

I've also had a thought that my Waitrose Kitchen Exclusives range could expand even further into homeware so for example applying my patterns to mugs and glasses, plates, bowls etc.

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